'Gay' life is learned, not an illness, experts say


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form of sexual fulfillment, Masters said. Others may want to achieve heterosexual life.

There are an estimated 20 to 21 million homosexuals in the United States today. In the population as a whole one adult male in three and one woman in five has at some time had one or more homosexual experiences.

Next Monday the St. Louis therapists will publish their latest book "Homosexuality in Per-

spective" as part of the series of books based on their sexual studies.

They have observed both heterosexual and homosexual couples and individuals in nearly 6,000 sex acts in their St. Louis laboratory.

They reported on the result of their laboratory study of the sexual practices of 92 homosexual men and 84 women all of them functioning successfully sexually and all but 10 of the men living together as "committed couples." They also

told of their treatment of another 151 homosexuals, again mainly couples but including 54 men and

13 women who were dissatisfied with homosexual life and wanted to change.